User ID Password Login
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Request ID (Register here)

   First Name: *
   Middle Initial:
   Last Name: *
Note: You must provide any affiliation you have that relates to your request to review a filer(s) SFI. Affiliation means that you are making the request on behalf of some other person or entity such as your employer or an organization to which you belong.
   Phone Number: *    ext: 
   Email Address: *
   Upload Your ID: *
Upload only .jpeg/.gif/.jpg/.png/.bmp extension files.
  Submit Clear
  How to get your User ID and Password?
Fill in the requested information and Submit.

If you receive an error message stating that the email address already exists in the system, please click the back button on your browser and then click on Forgot Password, or contact the State Ethics Commission at (617) 371-9500.

Once your registration request is received and approved, you will receive an email at the address you provided containing a user ID, temporary password and link to allow you to access the system.

For Technical Assistance contact:
Tony Webb, IT Specialist: (617) 371-9526;
Rose M. Costa, Special Assistant to Admin & SFI: (617) 371-9522;